Posts tagged birth mother counseling
The Decision to Place Your Child for Adoption Can be Made at Different Times

We understand that the decision to place your child for adoption can be made at different times depending on your particular situation. Whether you are currently pregnant, at the hospital to deliver your baby, or already home struggling to parent an infant or toddler, adoption is always an option that’s open to you.

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What Makes My Choice Different

We at My Choice Adoptions try to do things a little differently than most other adoption professionals. So, here is what to expect when you choose to partner with My Choice Adoptions on your journey of making an adoption plan for your child and placing your child for adoption.

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Who can I speak with about placing my baby for adoption?

When a woman calls our office inquiring about placing her child for adoption, it seems every story they share is different. Each woman seems to have a different idea about what kind of family they seek for their child, how much they want to be involved with the adoptive family and even how she sees the relationship developing in the future. Each birth mother approaches her plan to place her child for adoption in different ways. Our goal on the other end of the phone, is for a mom to feel listened to, validated and never judged. We are not here to judge, and we make that very clear to any mom we speak with. We do not know what is right for a birth mother and we would never pretend we do!

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Adoption is a matter of the heart

Adoptive parents come from a road of infertility, pregnancy loss, and a series of other circumstances that have lead them to adoption as a way to grow their families. Birth parents walk a similar road of hurt and loss, but it comes from another direction. When an adoption plan is created for an unborn child, these two sides meet in the middle and things often come together like two puzzle pieces.

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My girlfriend is pregnant, what now?

Finding out that your girlfriend is pregnant is certainly a scary and confusing time. So many questions cross your mind and fear of the unknown takes over your thoughts. Who do we call? There are so many ways to go, yet so much uncertainty in how to respond to this situation. Here are some things you should know…

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