What Makes My Choice Different

We at My Choice Adoptions try to do things a little differently than most other adoption professionals. So, here is what to expect when you choose to partner with My Choice Adoptions on your journey of making an adoption plan for your child and placing your child for adoption.

We make sure we are always available! If you call us, WE will answer the phone. There is no answering service or secretaries to leave a message with!

We will meet with you in person as soon as it’s possible. We want to know YOU face-to-face and we want you to know us too! If you feel more comfortable bringing a family member or friend to support you when we get together to talk about your plans, we would love to meet them too!

We can help you select the adoptive family you feel will be the best fit for your baby. We can arrange for you to meet the family you choose via zoom or skype, or even in person if that is what you prefer.

If you need help finding a doctor, we will help you identify a doctor who understands adoption and supports your adoption plan. We make sure you get the very best care that you and your baby need. If you need a ride to the doctor or just want us to be there with you at your appointment for emotional support, we will be right by your side. After working with so many moms over the years, we understand that explaining to others why you have chosen adoption for your child can be a challenge. If you need help talking to your friends and family about your decision, we can give you advice on how to handle that. We are even available to meet with them in person with you, if that helps. We also offer you counseling with a licensed clinical social worker who will be there to support your choice before, during and after placement.

We put a high value on making sure you are comfortable with the family you choose to be your child’s parents. Because of that, we only work with adoptive families that are comfortable with meeting you and are committed to keeping you informed about your baby’s growth and development through the years. That’s what we refer to as an open adoption. They say knowledge is power. Through open adoption, you will have the ability to know as much about your child’s life as you need to feel assured you made the right choice for your baby’s future. Also, because you have an open adoption with your baby’s adoptive family, your baby will know how much you love them and how important their happiness is to you. We truly feel open adoption is best for everyone.

We will help you make a plan for how things will go at the hospital when you deliver your baby. We want to make sure you get as much or as little interaction with your baby as you desire. We can be with you at the hospital when you deliver your baby and we will advocate for you the whole way to make sure your wishes are honored and that everything goes smoothly! We have been in the delivery room with many moms, at their request; however, if you just want us to be close by to support you should you need us, we can do that too.

If you think it would be helpful, we can offer you a mentor - another mom who has been in the same situation that you are right now. She can share her own adoption experience with you and answer any questions you may have. She will be your guide to help you navigate the adoption process in a way that meets your own specific needs.

Many of the moms that we work with stay in touch with us even years later because we have spent a lot of time together getting to know each other and developing a relationship. We are here to your support and encourage the women that we work with. Even long after your baby is born, we will still be here for you! Click here to read reviews from birth moms.

If you are considering making an adoption plan for your child, go ahead and reach out to us. We are waiting to hear from you! Call or text 850-273-2629 anytime.